Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Under the 'Bitey Tree'...

..I had some time to myself today for the first time in ages, and have (more or less) caught up with my own blipping, but am nowhere near catching up with comments (yet).

I sat under the Bitey Tree for a long enough period to be privileged to see wrens, goldcrests, blue tits, nuthatch, blackbirds, great tits, dunnock, a heron and this lovely robin.

What a special Remembrance Day.

I have spent so long catching up that I seem to have run dry of further available words.

(My computer took so long to sort itself out I could have made a cake and done a pile of ironing while I waited (which I chose not to, obviously). It is still of the opinion that I have too many photographs. I wish it would keep its thoughts to itself). 

Best wishes to all.
That probably says it all.

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