Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

(Some of) My funny family.

First off may I apologise for my shocking lack of blips and comments this week.
Will fill in some back blips and catch up on comments as soon as I can.

Today #3boy and I were off on a train trip to Kenilworth to do some grave visiting.
(My parents/his grandparents, my sister/his mum)

Rang my sister to see if she wanted to meet us there and she told me our cousin was coming to her place (in Milton Keynes) for lunch but she would see if plans could be altered.

The result of the alterations were my cousin, her husband, her daughter, my sister, her son AND one of my brothers meeting us for lunch in Kenilworth.
(You can tell she is a school governor and all round organised person)

The sun was shining and the day panned out like this.....

Out of house at 8.30am (#3boy complained)
Burger King breakfast at Piccadilly station (to stop #3boy's complaints)
9.30am on train to Crewe
At Crewe took photo's and purchased football magazine and sweets (#3boy needed them)
10.22am on train to Birminghan New Street.
At Birmingham ran around a searching for correct platform for next train. (or as #3boy put it "you are stressing a bit!")
11.30am on train to Coventry.
12noon on bus to Kenilworth.
In Kenilworth purchased flowers and walked to Pub for lunch.
Waited 40mins for other family members (#3boy complained)

Lovely lunch, chat, took photos.

3.40pm!!! Got in cars to go to cemetary.
Cleaned gravestones, arranged flowers, said some prayers, few hugs and tears.

Detour to castle to take some photos. (#3boy and sister's boy complained so they sat in the car and talked

Sister dropped us off at Coventry for train.
5.50pm on train to Birmingham.
Saw mouse on train tracks at Birmingham New Street. (I did not "stress")
6.31pm on train to Manchester (We both fell asleep, after #3 boy complained about his phone battery dying)

Manchester was HEAVING with rugby fans coming from a final played at Old Trafford.
Home for 9pm.

On this photo my cousins daughter (17) is looking very pretty and is excited about going to NewYork with her aunty in 3WEEKS!!
My nephew (14) is doing something a bit odd and #3boy has seen something very interesting on the ground.
My sister is chatting organising and my brother is faffing hiding.

Happy weekend blippers.

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