My life, my lens

By JennyRampling


A lovely evening catching up with my friend Amy over dinner at Banana Tree in Angel. I lived with Amy when I first moved down to London and couldn't have asked for a better housemate. We lived together for two years but since we both moved out we have been so busy we have struggled to meet up as much as we would both like. It was great to hear all her news and glad we have already put another date in the diary. Not many photo opps today so snapped these Maneki-neko cats which sit in a shop on my road near Old Street. Maneki-nekos always remind me of my friends Liz and Rupert who I worked with at City. Liz bought one of these cats into the office and whoevers desk it was on always ended up having an accident or something bad happening. Rupert looked after the cat for a while and ended up coming off his bike and was off work for a while. Considering the cats are supposed to bring good luck I never it anywhere near me!

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