visit scotland

Occasionally a blip-hunt wander through St. Cuthbert's off Lothian Road will result in the spotting of a few orange needle-caps around the particular bit evidently favoured local smackheads. Very occasionally there's a syringe there but it seems fortunately rare to spot any needles. Unfortunately there were a couple of capped needles and one uncapped and still attached to an empty syringe. There are sharps bins in Greyfriars and the Canongate that I know of but not in St. Cuthberts that I know of although it's not a great distance away from the needle exchange and you think people would have the manners to not leave used needles just lying around.

It was the work photo club AGM this evening but I didn't get many usable shots out of it due to the usual issue with light levels in the restaurant and pub and bloody people bloody moving all the time. I abstained from having a go of the D700 being passed round the table on the grounds that I know that I want one and will eventually get one but (excepting complete-existing-camera-failure) also know that there will be a reasonable length of time before I can get away with getting one. I managed to surprise people by ordering pint in the pub after the restaurant after the pub after the meeting by creating the impression of not drinking whatsoever by drinking only coffee and orange juice up to that point. I can now put a few more names to faces and managed to avoid getting annoyed with anyone to the same extent as last year though if I had become annoyed to the same extent with the same person then I could always have posted the series of shots I managed to get of them picking their nose then licking their fingers whilst we waited for the bill. A couple of people were blipcarded but one seems to have been lurking for some time anyway so should hopefully unlurk and start posting at some point.

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