Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Spoiling myself ....

Got a bit of a thing for Radley handbags. Just got a new one -Peggy ate the dog off my other one!! Jealousy!

So I forgot to blip yesterday - only 17 days into 2009. Rubbish. But yesterday was rubbish for me. One month since losing Jack and I had to clear out his stable as another horse is having it. Glad I have done it now though and I no longer have to see a dark empty stable everynight but yesterday it felt very hard getting all his rugs and buckets out. The brushes I used to give him one last groom were still in there with some of his hair on (I have put them away - going to leave them just like that) and the sawdust was all scuffed up where he had walked out. I didn't want to do it - I just kept thinking 'this is Jack's Stable' and it hit me all over again that he is gone.

But today I feel better about it. I've spent loads of time today with Lime - clipping him and tidying him up a bit (he was beginning to look like no-one owned him). Had to be very patient doing his face with the clippers, but eventually he trusted me and let me do it. Hopefully one day me and him will trust each other as much as me and Jack did.

We've now sort of got our house ship shape and ready for the baby. Hard to find homes for all the things we used to have in the spare room, which will soon be a nursery.

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