
By Greenstead

Lost and found

We have had a traumatic few days. Brutus was missing. I last saw him on Friday morning. We were a bit concerned when he didnt show up for his dinner, but not unduly so as he does sometimes show up late. By the end of Saturday concern had grown significantly. So this morning with him still missing, we decided to put out some leaflets in the local area. Mr D went out with Mr P (who was visiting with friend R) and leafleted local houses and put notices up on lamp posts. Within 10 minutes we had a call from a neighbour saying she sees him on a regular basis, and long story short Brutus appeared shortly after demanding food. Phew! We were greatly relieved even though he then created havoc for the next few hours. Thanks to all concerned for this successful conclusion. Another example of the power of publicity.
The picture shows the notice we used, plus the cat snoozing after catching up on missed meals.

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