Great family together...The Rev joined us by video call!!! Request for KFC from O (who’d had enough of fine dining...poor sod) and from K to celebrate her starting her nursing career. J isn’t allowed takeaway for a month or 2 due to infection concerns O made him his homemade version which was delicious (well we had to check it!!)

O & M (having returned from the Seychelles and Greece!!) came with me to see The Rev with his KFC lunch!!! (He didn’t want to miss out). We took one of O’s friends who was in The Rev’s youth group for years. He was shocked by the ward and said I need to stop smoking and drinking so much!!
At 2pm they said he was going to be moved again to St George’s....after 2 hours we left. He eventually got moved at 8pm. Honestly it’s been ridiculous but apparently he needs a procedure that the first hospital doesn’t do at weekends.

RECOVERY PATH...14/60....Hospital moving and KFC!!

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