Goodbye to all that

My last day at work.
This is (was) my kitchen. You can see the dishwasher that was eventually bought to replace the broken one after a year of nagging! It has helped me a lot.
A bouquet of flowers from one of the residents.
Some chocolate cookies I made as a final gesture.
My window that looks out towards the fells.
I have enjoyed quite a lot of the last two years here. Many of the residents are appreciative of my efforts, and the staff certainly are.
The regular struggle to get basic pieces of equipment replaced has been endlessly frustrating and unnecessary.
I have enjoyed getting to know several of the residents and hearing about their past lives.
I have been a place of respite for the care staff when duties get too overwhelming out there on the 'floor' and I will miss some of these little intimate chats.
I have discovered though that a care home is not somewhere you would wish to end up in, there is a real feeling of waiting for time to pass, waiting for the inevitable end.
I resolve not to end up there!

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