Casper Grace Turns 2!
Busy day today starting with a meeting in the morning and Casper's birthday party in the afternoon and getting ready now to go to Becky's for dinner and football. (We won't be playing football but the Broncos will.)
I did my best to photograph the party but the light was really challenging and the room was crowded so there is a lot of cropping, cloning and adjusting to be done! I chose this image because the most fun she had today was pulling all the tissue paper out of the gift bags and throwing it up in the air and rolling around on the floor with all of it. There were lots of people and excitement and she was so happy. But by the time the gift opening came around, she was tired and moody and not really interested. It's tough being two!
Thanks to everyone who visited my journal yesterday and sprinkled stars and hearts, they are all really appreciated!
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