and through the wire...

By hesscat

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Well I couldn't resist, and for some reason Mrs C did not think to do it before me.

For 22 years and maybe 5 times a year (don't worry we had a shower), I would lie squeezed into a 3/4 length bath staring at my feet resting between the taps. Knowing a bathroom replacement was going to come our way one day, we let it deteriote... and if that was not my bathroom, I'd never go in it never mind wash in it!

So while the new one is maybe 95% done... walls to skim and paint, radiators to go up, shower glass to go up, the bath works... and it was Sunday morning after the longest sleep I have had in a while. I could see the blue sky from here, and from the other end I could see the trees swaying in the wind. Although my feet came out to pose for the blip, I could fully submerge.... wow... such advances, I didn't want to get out! That may have been because it was colder out than in, as I said radiators are still to go up!

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