My view...

...of the fireworks!

We headed early to the firework display we were meeting up with Es’s Guide Patrol. She had picked the firework display to receive her Baden Powell Challenge Award. The culmination of a lot of hard work. Also, marking the end of her time in Guides...seems like yesterday we took her along to her first Rainbows session!

Anyway, Guide Patrol met, award presented it was the back of 18h00 with the fireworks due to start around 19h00...the wee fella had not listened when I told him to put his long johns on...he was frozen. Mr R & I tried to persuade him and cajole him in to getting through but he was awful. Had to be said cold wasn’t doing much for me either so I headed back to car with him.

So my and his view of the fireworks was from the car, with the heaters blazing and an 80’s music radio show blasting out...not all bad.

Grateful for those who give of their time & talents to provide the opportunity to young people of Guides and Scouts and other youth organisations.

Grateful for car heaters too!

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