Happy Days

There were many images I could of used as my main blip today......it’s been another day of many gorgeous vignettes. Rainie and Doug have been awesome.....there is lots to talk about..many tales to tell......many things to laugh and be silly about........and then there is the food. I know I mentioned it in my blip yesterday but  I have to say they have fed us like Kings and Queens...which had been a lovely break from the crap we have been eating on the road.......well....to be fair......we have been busy. So a pic of those two lovelies it is.

The folk took us to the Rape seed fields........Rainie had the great idea of taking a little ladder which was just perfect as the rape was really tall and the ladder was just perfect to get a shot over the top. I absolutely love love love the yellow and the fact that the sky was not blue...which is so complimentary to the glowing yellow flowers and grey and cloudy did not bother me one little bit

We had a lovely walk along the headland to a little lighthouse that is not used anymore but none the less it was regal and wonderful as all lighthouses are....this one had a touch of disrepair which gave it a special and almost intimate feel...then there were the many flowers weeds and grasses that grew by the side of the path...I could of spent hours taking pics and exploring it all.

After a fabulous dinner and an extra special apple and rum cake we have been looking at our pics of the day and generally showing each other stuff............I am hooked on this pep ventosa stuff....and have been experimenting on and off all day...its been fun. Apparently I need to post a couple for Megl....been having a bit of trouble uploading so I will do it tomorrow and tag it.

I am running out of extras but I’m going to post a heap tonight anyway........I think you will be able to work out what is what.

I love hanging with blippers.

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