Red for remembrance, white for hope...

Today's arrangement, by my very gifted and talented friend. It's stark but beautiful.

Kezia, our pastor's daughter, told us about her work as a speech and language therapist in a hospital, working to restore or improve memory in stroke, brain damaged and dementia patients. She shared the analogy that our memories are like photo albums. Some albums have many pages with frequently visited photos from times past. Some pages are new to our albums and although new, not so engrained and we may prefer the old and familiar. She encourages her patients to use this image as a positive and some actually turn virtual pages as they talk. They smile and laugh and also show pain when turning some pages. So good to listen to her.

We have a family weekend booked for December and I wanted to do a recce.....It looks good. I think everyone will be happy. The pool will be great fun for us all! My youngest sister and hubby came with us and gave it the thumbs up too. Back to theirs for high tea!

A long day, but good and I'm so grateful for my memory album. It has some wonderful photos in it. Some bring smiles, some pain and tears. Soon there will be new photos. I am and have been blessed.

(Much colder today!)

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