Me the kids & I

By LakesBecky

New Shambles, Kendal

A wet walk around Kendal running errands this morning and a chance to add to my Kendal album. This is the green plaque entry:

New Shambles Lane follows an ancient path, Watt Lane, wihch ran through property owned in the 18th Century by the Trustees of the Market Place Chapel. It became the New Shambles in 1804, when the property was redeveloped as 12 butchers’ shops. The Old Shambles, behind the Fleece Inn, was then abandoned.
There were no drains from any of the many slaughter houses around the Market place at that time amd although the owners paid two shillings and sixpence a week to have the lane cleaned, it soon became known as Stinking Lane.
The shop on the east corner of the lane with Finkle Street was built in 1838 as a Fire Station, with arched doorways for the three-pumped engines.

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