
By adelphants

I finally made this for our place yesterday. I went to Home Depot and bought the pine wood plaque, 6" of chain, black all-purpose spray, and five numbers. It was actually very simple and quick. I sprayed on the plaque, let it dry for an hour, then hammered in the first four numbers. Then I cut the fifth number, which was a zero, to make it a "C." I also used the leftover from that "C" to make a dash between the numbers and the "C." Then I hammered on the chain on top of the plaque. Viola!

I went to the weight room for the first time in just about exactly one month. At first I wanted to take it easy, but I ended up doing almost the same weight and amount as I did a month ago. After that I ran on the indoor track for 2 miles. 3/4th of that involves sprinting. My right thigh and left shin are in lot of pain. I'm icing it now.

I also stepped on my glasses this morning, by accident. I'll need to go get a new one soon.

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