There Is No Emotion,

There is Peace,
There is no ignorance.
There is Knowledge.
There is no passion,
There is Serenity.
There is no chaos,
There is Harmony.
There is no death,
There is The Force.
(Jedi Master Odan-Urr, Librarian)

Another souvenir given to me by my daughter. I began reading it today. This edition of The Jedi Path, A Manual For Students Of The Force, was first owned by none other than Yoda when he reviewed it for revisions in later editions. The book then passed to Jedi Thame Cerulian when he was a child. Cerulian then gave it to his Padawan, Dooku, 89 years before the Battle of Yavin. Dooku passed the book on to his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jin. Qui-Gon passed it on to Obi-Wan Kenobi in 44 BBY, before he in turn passed it on to Anakin Skywalker in 32 BBY.  Anakin Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tone, took possession of the book in 22 BBY, before Darth Sidious acquired it during the aftermath of the Clone Wars. Finally, the book was found by Luke Skywalker.

All of the books owners have annotated the margins and their comments are extremely insightful. I was thrilled to read an annotation made by Luke Skywalker in which he disagrees with the old Jedi edict of non-attachment. "I don't believe in banishing attachment. I can't imagine my life without Mara, Leia, or even Han."

Mara! Mara Jade Skywalker? She has made it into Disney's Star Wars canon? Oh, I do so hope so!

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