Misty view across The Horns towards Thrupp

I made a strong coffee just after Helena left for work just after 8am and went to imbibe it at my desk. But the misty morning light out over the valley was very distracting. I grabbed my little camera and played with the settings as the bright low sunlight was creating deep shadows as well as the bright vistas.

I've been reminded of our trip to Sri Lanka nearly two years ago, when our host Una rang Helena a couple of days ago and said we were very welcome to return. I bought this little camera for my trip but still haven't posted blips of the six week trip. I wanted to do a big sort out so hopefully the wintry weather may give me the impetus, to see that brilliant tropical light and the places I visited.

Meanwhile I have just started to track TMLHereAndThere as she flies out of Australia en route for her return to Bahrain. I like tracking flights where I know someone is going far away and on a big journey. Bon voyage T.!

.... and maybe this will do as an entry for the Wide Wednesday challenge.

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