The Narrow Canal

I went out early this morning after because after mooching about the house yesterday I needed to be out and about;  thank you all for your good wishes, I'm feeling much better today.  I had migraine which always drains my energy, but I think by tomorrow I'll be feeling 100% fit.

I didn't go far just down to the university and I walked along the narrow canal which runs through the campus;  the autumn colours were brighter and more obvious than other years and I think it's because the trees seem to be retaining their leaves for longer this year.   

My new camera bag arrived and although it will be perfect for when I go away and need to pack more, it isn't practical for everyday (being almost as big as I am). I'm pleased with it though as it's something I've been trying to decide on for a long time.

Thank you for visiting my journal, and thank you BobsBlips for hosting the WidWed challenge.

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