Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


About the same time that we adopted Homer, S&L adopted Alfie, who had been found in a bin. Another setter, younger than Homer and with a less troubled upbringing, Alfie was spoiled rotten! Any time S or L went to the pet shop to get food they would come home with a new toy or a new collar-&-lead set. Alfie had hundreds of toys, all of which had names and you could ask him to find a certain toy and he would bring it to you. Clever boy! This is Kevin, one of many toys left for Homer by S&L on behalf of Alfie, but to be perfectly honest, Homer much preferred sticks.

When Spousie was out strimming last week he found Kevin, wet and green under one of the fruit trees and so brought him in to dry out.

Mo has returned from the vet a changed animal, he is now very clingy when he used to be independent and wary. We have given him Kevin to cuddle and he seems to be happy, he's not getting into bed with us quite as much now.

Our internet connection is very frail now, so that is the only reason for my failure to communicate much.

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