This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today was my yART sale. I had it indoors because a cold front had moved in and rain was intermittent. I woke up early and got things set up and my house cleaned up.

My friend and fellow artist Linda Sheets came and brought some of her work to sell as well. Our friend Melissa came and hung out with us as well. It was a relaxed day, we had sugary seasonal treats, a fire in the wood burning stove and we listened to jazz. I think 9 people came but even with the small turn out we both sold some in the end it was worth it.

There are more photos of the yART sale here if you care to look. I have decided to continue my yART sale online until midnight tonight.

* I forgot to mention that the Mayor of my town came to visit as well. We had a great chat that went something like this, "We the people are like the individual fingers on a hand, but together we make a fist and we can push through together." Right on!

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