Native American Fog.

All the way up the M6.
So called because ... brace yourself ... "It's a Patchy." The patches were so clear and distinct they narrowly avoided Bliphood.

The Autumn colour contender was deemed to be too soon after the last one, there was also a rather fine Husky she fell in love with and illustration of a licence to print money: how about a packet of "Veg Crisps" for the princely sum of £1.25.
Or, if you're "one of them" $2.01 for a pack of Potato chips. (What do you call them if they're made of beetroot, swede and parsnip?)

The point of the exercise was to visit "The Whisky shop" where, being a member, we got 10% off the price (Which was already cheaper than Morrison's: RESULT!) and came away with 3 assorted.

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