The beach through railings...

... the winter sea defences are up so to get on the beach I either have to climb over them o walk to the far end of the beach. So I did neither but went up onto the seawall to take the photograph.

I woke up during the night and it seemed a bit warm. Not surprising;  the underfloor heating was on in the lounge and the room temperature was around 26c. The only thermostat calling for heat was the bathroom so that is the thermostat which controls (or is out of control) the lounge! I decided I really couldn't be bothered going through all the hassle of trying to work out the other combinations so in the morning phoned Mac who agreed to get the electrician here. But maybe not until next week. No problem; its still not cold enough to want the heating on and if it does turn cold I can always turn the bathroom stat up for a few hours!

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