Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

A Twenty-Year Mission....

Largs, Scotland

At The Marina restaurant in Largs tonight, my mother-in-law Jean said to Bb, ‘Ok, I think we should do the presentation.’ I wondered what was going on as she handed me a little box.  I could almost taste her excitement as I sipped my red wine. 

Zermatt, Switzerland

It all started in Switzerland in 1949.  My mother-in-law went on holiday with her husband-to-be (Bb’s late father) and bought a ring for her mother.  She chose it because of its unusual setting.  When her mum passed away in 1966, she inherited it and clearly loves it.  It’s gold, with a delicate twisted band, which provides the perfect nest for a robin-red ruby. 

Ho-Chi Min City, Vietnam

When Jean’s daughter A. lived in Vietnam many years ago she decided to get copies of the ring made for herself and her two daughters.  Jean had always wished she had had a chance to get one made for me at the same time - a wish she carried with her during all the intervening years.

Perth, Scotland

Fast forward 20 years and in summer this year, Bb, myself and Jean were in Perth on an overnight stay to visit friends.  The next morning at breakfast, unknown to me, Bb and Jean escaped the hotel and set off into the wet, cobbled Scottish streets to a renowned high-quality jewellers.  They knew exactly where to go as Bb had done a recce the night before, knowing their time was limited without raising my suspicions.  Little did I know that Jean had been secretly delighted with our choice of the overnight trip to Perth as she’d already thought about that jewellers as possible collaborators in her mission.  ‘Yes, madam, we could certainly look into having a copy of the ring made.  It wouldn’t be an easy job and I’m sure you appreciate there would be a significant cost involved. The jeweller who does this type of work is on holiday at the moment, so you’d have to leave your own ring here.’ Bb glanced at his mum and without any hesitation she agreed to leave her precious ring behind and agreed the cost.  Six weeks later, she received a call from the jeweller who, unfortunately, said that the job was too complicated for them and they couldn’t accept the commission.  Mmmm, back to square one.   The ring was posted back to Largs, recorded delivery.  

Hong Kong

Not one to be beaten, however, and not long after the Perth trip, Jean was delighted to hear that daughter A. and her husband were going to visit their son in Hong Kong.   She called A. in High Wycombe and ‘offered’ her the mission.  A ‘accepted’.  Two weeks later, she and her husband set off up dark narrow alleys in Hong Kong to find another renowned high-quality jewellers.  They weren't nervous of the surroundings because of their years in Vietnam. The door was locked securely behind them as they were ushered in and A. produced her own version of the ring which she had taken with her.  ‘Yes, madam, we could certainly look into having a copy of this ring made.’  A. nodded agreement to the price.   A week later, after a trip to The Philippines, she returned to the shop.  

Largs, Scotland

Back at the table, I put my glass down and opened the box to see a beautiful gold ring, with its delicate twisted band, providing the perfect nest for a robin-red ruby.   ‘Welcome to our family’, said Jean, jokingly.  ‘Jokingly’ because Bb and I have been married for 27 years!  Her never-be-beaten-ness had paid off yet again.  I slipped the ring onto the middle finger of my right hand - the finger which is the same size as Bb’s pinkie, and it fitted.  ‘Mission accomplished’, Jean whispered to Bb. 

The original ring is on Jean’s hand to the left of frame and the new edition is on my hand to the right.

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