Switched on.

The forecast wasn't looking good, so J decided to go to Llandow in the car. He dropped me off at they gym. and I saw Mike & Des. Mike had promised to give me some photos of the Aust ferry, that used to ferry cars across the River Severn, while the bridge was being constructed, and he gave them to me this morning. My eldest brother was in Birmingham University, so  I remember queuing to get on that ferry, sometimes for hours.My Mum would pack some sandwiches, and we would eat them while we were waiting in the queue.  Happy days. I called in the library again, and they still haven't found my Peter May book. I bet a member of staff wanted to read it before me! I then walked up to Open Church, and had a cuppa, and  lot's of interesting conversation. On my way to catch the bus, I saw these guy's putting up the Christmas lights. J was home before me, and I think he enjoyed his chat with the "boys" because he didn't stop talking when I got in. It's fish & chips tonight, and a pot of tea.

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