Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Me and my boy. Nature and stuff.

Quality time tonight at the last local Scottish Wildlife Talk of the year at the Zoology building.
"A year in the life of Forvie Sands" was a gentle January to December walkthrough of the winged beasts, either residing or just passing through for a high five. As always I challenged the average age of the audience by a good 25 years, Sam by maybe 50 to 60 years. But it's always a great talk. I mean, did you know an arctic tern flies 50,000 miles a year, living for well over 20 years? That trumps my ford fiesta mileage big time. Then there's the wee Goldcrest, our smallest bird at only a few gms in weight, it's the cute one with the wee punk as **** yellow head stripe, well it flies over the North sea in just 1 day and arrives so exhausted you just want to give it a bosie. That's what being fierce is really about Beyonce! Then there's the Shell ducks that nest down rabbit holes, while the lovely herring gulls are in dangerous decline. Those noisy geese that are back in our neck of the woods this time of year? They usually harbour a solo surprise rare species in their midst that just likes to fall in with the flock for the craik. Meanwhile the Blue throats look like they nest at Hogwarts and arctic Skuas are just the misunderstood thugs of the bird world; they are better fliers than raptors. Most importantly, the SWT raffle at the end of the night is pure monty python, worth the trip for that alone.

But Forvie Sands though, how lucky are we to have that beauty of a reserve on our doorstep. Just made me and Sam want to head straight for the reserve.

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