Comic Book Capers

My Dear Fellows & Princess Normal,

Apparently weeks after everyone else, Er Indoors and I finally went to see "Thor: Ragnarok".


We think it is our very favourite Marvel film. I'm glad we got to see it at the pictures. And to add to our amusement all the staff at the Reading cinema on Courtney Place were dressed as the Justice League. Halfway through the movie, a skinny little Batman came by to check that no-one was recording the movie on their phone.

Er Indoors was openly drooling over Idris Elba. Because obviously I am the less-tall, less-buff, balding, not good looking and not black version of him. So - you know - I obviously took that as a compliment.

But I had Cate Blanchett to look at. She is EVIL in this film. Ooh, I love the bad girls. She wears a black outfit and KILLS people. And she looks like she's having tremendous fun doing it. I love her now.

But mainly, the film is really funny. Taika Waititi plays a CGI rock creature in this film as a Maori dude who calls Thor "bro". Er Indoors was weeing herself. We were also delighted to see the return of the evil Child Care Services lady from "Hunt for the Wilderpeople".

When we got out, we were directed to the exits by Superman. He looked a bit annoyed and I am not surprised. Superman's "Justice League" film is supposed to be RUBBISH. I'll bet he wishes he was dressed as Thor instead.

And obviously I would be Idris. My doppelganger.


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