
By NellyO

Duck Island

It's not just Tory MPs who have a duck island - in Glasgow's Queen's Park the locals have one for free :)

I was over in Glasgow again for interviews, what a brilliant day - as well as two good interviews I got to have lunch with former work colleagues and caught up with them, it was great to see them, and then I had the chance to wander round lovely Queen's Park, as well as reacquaint myself with Tapa on Pollokshaws Road and their amazing ginger crunch (think ginger tablet stuck on top of a bed of shortbread). Then in the evening after my evening interview Pete and I saw friends in Shawlands and we went for a lovely Glasgow curry (I do miss Glasgow curries; Stirling really doesn't come close in that particular department). I also got to see the work being done on our flat, which is close to finishing now (thank goodness for that, my bank account can't take much more!) so we will be able to hopefully think about renting it out soon. Just the small matter of a leak from upstairs to sort out first, sigh (the upstairs neighbour wasn't in, so will have to try and make contact from a distance which could get complicated).

This is a backblip; I've had a not particularly interesting weekend (work for the OU, mowing the lawn, taking my library book back sort of interesting) so no pictures for Saturday and Sunday (unless the dinner that's currently being cooked is particularly photogenic).

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