Death Scene

One Monday morning.  Two lorries, one car.  One lorry driver dead.  Three seriously injured.  Three main lanes on the A16 shut to traffic.  Twenty kilometers of traffic jam, although not so densely packed.  Half an hour late at my work.  Zero problems, though.  According to the news, apparently, one lorry driver had become drowsy and stepped on his brakes too late, so he hit the lorry in front of him, who, in turn, hit the car in front of him.  And to think the weather was so beautiful.  According to hubby, it was most likely a case of too many hours behind the wheel, under pressure from the boss.  Sometimes, though, it's just a case of fumbling with your mobile phone.  Although ... alcohol on a Monday morning?  In the afternoon, the bridge was open for a short time, so there we sat again.

Everything fine at work, although my throat is demanding attention, and loudly, too.

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