Our accommodation over the weekend - got to love AirBNB, we were right over the subway too so it rattled a little every time a train passed below!

We weren’t out quite so early this morning and watched the but sail past the end of the road as we walked up! So we just wandered along to another stop and boarded a bus a few minutes later. At 11 o clock we drew up outside the Kelvingrove and paused for a minute before carrying on our way.

We had planned to get off and explore more but Princess was weary and due to George Square being closed, we felt it safer tksyay on the same bus until it got to the stop for the airport bus.

Our journey home continued without incident - I had my first Krispy Kreme - and we were back for 6pm, tired and hungry!

MrRoly threw tea at us before heading off again, retracing our steps back up to Exeter airport before flying back to Aberdeen for what will hopefully be his last week there.

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