Squirrel Friday

Good: Pushka was very ill in the night but it looks like she's gotten rid of whatever was upsetting her and she seems more chipper now.

Bad: Pushka was very ill in the night.....

Good: I seem to be making progress with a problem that's been annoying me all week.

Bad: The strategic problem that's been building for months will come to a head next week.

Good: My 93 year old Nan has been released from hospital to go back to her own home after falling and breaking her hip. (God I've gotta hope those are the genes I draw from. Only one male in my family for at least the last 3 generations has gotten past 70)

Bad: We thought while she was feeling subdued we'd give Pushka her annual bath (fair to say she's not a fan) .... ceilings, walls & us may eventually dry.

Good: Safeguarding Instructor course booked.

Good: Application to be an Enhanced First Responder has been endorsed (places are very limited, but it's good to know I've got support)

Good: Led on the couch and watched a whole movie without pacing around the room, shouting at the TV or worrying about life ticking by....

Philosophy Friday
Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
Peter Marshall.

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