The Poss

By PossMan


Well I'd like to say it's the first fire of the season but after resisting for quite a time we finally lit the fire yesterday so this is me lighting the second fire. So for many weeks to come setting the fire will be an extra morning chore although I have to admit Mrs P did set this one as she says I don't do it properly. 2 weeks to go on that one (see yesterday if that's too obscure) and then I'll set it whichever which way I like. This is actually a combination of 3 shots taken quite close together. Taking the red channel from one, green from the next, blue from the third. Then recombining into a new RGB image. Bits that have moved (flames in this case) appear in weird colours and things that have stayed put appear as normal assuming you don't move the camera. I've experimented before with this technique and you can get some quite nice effects but they're not easy to forecast until you've tried.

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