The Way is Clearing

Rather a lovely day - a few mini wobbles so the way not clear just yet but I can feel a change in how I am reacting to the wobbles. I don't really know what has made the difference, seeing The herbalist and talking through things, the herbs I have been taking or the fact that I am acting as the "witness" to the way my body may be feeling. I say "there is a feeling of weakness in my limbs / anxiety,"  rather than "I feel faint / I'm going to have an anxiety attack."
So at midday there was the repeat of my blood test, then a trip to Tavistock for hen food, then a walk along the river Tamar on the Devon side. I've only done this walk once before, and stumbled upon it when I stopped to take a photo from  the bridge. If you look at the extras of that blip you will see the waterfall from the path! Can't believe that was nearly 2 years ago. The trees today were a gorgeous golden colour and it was a walk that was good for the soul. Will definitly do this again and try to catch it in the sunshine and walk a bit further. 
Before I knew it the afternoon had gone and it was time to go up the allotment and settle in for another evening of ironing and knitting! 

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