Today was a professional activity AND it was sunny!! I was dismayed to see the beautiful sunrise and I was not prepared to drive down to the lake to catch it. Soooooo....I quickly got ready and drove to another spot to see what I could see. Two ducks did not look like the others. For once, the female was quite striking so I decided that she should be my blip for the day. I thought she was so pretty and swam over to me straight away. Possibly the couple escaped from a farm? I have nicknamed them Bonnie and Clyde.....so here is Bonnie : ))
We had some meeting of the minds today with a behavioural team from "the Board". We have not always seen eye to eye with previous students so I was pleased that they were more willing to work as a team and problem solve together. Yay!! Can you believe that I was forewarned by the curriculum chair to not say anything? To basically nod my head no matter what they said.....oi. Happy that I did not have to ; )
Have a fabulous weekend ahead! Rain is forecasted here...but they do get the weather wrong sometimes : ))))
D x
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