
By FrankS

I'm Just A Walking The Dog

Dylan wasn't too sure he wanted to go out, or do anything else, this morning. He's still suffering with a broken toe nail and I think it was playing him up a bit. There's nothing we can do about it, according to the vet, unless it gets infected, then we'd have to pay out lots of money for the vet to fix him up; here's keeping fingers crossed.

Anyway we did get out and I took it easy with him, stopping every now and then to take a photo.

He seemed to survive that OK and had a rest whilst we went for coffee. After lunch we took him out again, this time for a walk in the countryside in Loxley.

There is a lovely track that climbs up from the village and with the weather improving was great to get out into the clean air (not that Stratford's air is not clean of course, just somehow clearer and cleaner surrounded by fields, trees and openness).

Part of the farm at the top of the track is derelict, and I've taken quite a few photos there over the year. Today being no exception, I present The Abandoned Tractor as today's blip. One day I'm sure the famer is going to come out and shout at me brandishing a shotgun!

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