Scrambling up the waterfall

Yesterday we did a walk before heading home. We went from Malham to Janet's Foss, the beautiful waterfall (extra photo). 
We continued to Gordale Scar, a magnificent limestone ravine with waterfalls carved out of the rocks by glacial meltwater. I've been before but it's such a dramatic sight that I'm always pleased to return.

The photo is a shot of a couple of walkers climbing up the waterfall - I didn't follow in their footsteps needless to say! There's a n extra shot of the whole of the gorge, there are a couple of walkers in shot to give some idea of the size. 

The third extra is of a small red flower growing in the moss on the top of a limestone wall (possibly the flower of a moss) but I can't identify it. Does anyone know what it is please?


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