stuck inside the garage with the !!!! blues again

On the face of it, it’s a nice problem to have; who wouldn’t want a nice clean car, secure inside a nice clean garage?  

Usually we would - but not today.  We have places to go, people to see.

A friend came to visit.  She parked her car on the drive and while we were socialising, it rolled down the drive and smashed into the garage door. 

As well as denting the door, it’s broken the lifting mechanism on one side.  It’s stuck fast. We wait until the fitters come next week and take it apart temporarily so that we can get the car out.  Then we wait for a new door to be  fitted.

Our friend’s car insurance will pay, so an inconvenience more than anything.  

A freak accident too - the handbrake failed (on a car recently serviced with a new MOT).  It could have been far worse - the car could have been parked somewhere with people around when the handbrake failed.  

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