These feet they're a ......
....... aching !!
Dull/wet quiet day ( in fact except for speaking briefly to "A" this am I haven't spoken or seen anyone!! ) . I've been busy all day tho' , housework cooking and ironing. ( before anyone says ------ " I never do ironing or I've told you not to iron!!!) I can't stand crumpled bed linen / blouses or towels that haven't been softened by an iron !!!).
So apart from half an hour lunch sit and 15 minute cuppa I've been on my feet all day. I did manage to watch the Rugby (Wales vGeorgia) Whilst ironing, I really don't know too much about the rules but it did look as if Wales had 2 dodgy decisions! Anyway they won in the end, but maybe it should have been by more?
Cooking ------ I made Spicy Parsnip and Apple soup / Leek and potato soup and chicken curry all requested by "A" so I guess he'll be happy.
Thankful ..... to have heating tonight it's more than a bit chilly.
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