Don’t eat The Daisy’s…Please please..
I wasn’t going to but there was something down here that smelt eatable…Never found it but The Boss encouraged me to keep looking while he got the Fruitphone out.
I have to bark that it’s nice to get back to photography that I’m in. It’s OK if he does other stuff as long as he takes me out but all this other stuff often involved going places at odd hours and wasn’t as much fun…except the kitchen floor thingie…THAT was fun.
There was a movie about eating daisies with Doris Day in it.
The Boss is reluctant to admit he even watched it as it sorta dates him Unless he actually watched it later on Apple TV…YES that’s what happened he says…Oh good. I wasn’t even a sparkle in anyones eyes back then in fact it was way before he even knew about dogs at all.
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