Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Looking down

I realised that when we go to Johannesburg tomorrow night my mother in law will want to see photos of our house, as she has never seen it, and I had only ever taken a few before we actually moved in. So I spent this morning taking photos of every room in the house, and a few outside - only a few of the outside mind you, as we have a very noticeable port-a-loo in the front of the house next to a heap of top soil, and at the back of the house there is soil where there should be lawn, on which a digger and a dumpster are parked. Not exactly picturesque! I will be so happy to have a normal garden again one day free of mess, mud and machinery. I also downloaded all the family photos taken in the last year to my phone to show her and whoever else may wish to see them.

By then it was lunch time, and I made a new dish by Mary Berry - it was an oriental style chicken dish with water chestnuts and chestnut mushrooms, which was delicious so I will make it again.

Then of course, what to blip? The light was already past it's brightness from earlier in the day, so I quickly went out and walked up and down the street and looking down, I noticed the carpet of leaves all over the pavement - I love the different shapes and colours.

Now I must go pack - Gavin has a full day of work tomorrow and we are only going on the late 9pm flight tomorrow night, we have two nights there and depart again on Thursday night as Gavin needs to be back in the office on Friday. It will be very rushed and probably tiring too.

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