Subtle, that's what the photo app choice is called whilst I was faffing with the only half decent pretty awful photo I took with my phone on a quick walk round the block a little late in the day.
The Rose is 'Lily', in the garden and the only survivor left on the bush and this little survivor seemed to fit me perfectly as I only had a couple of hours sleep last night - the neighbours had a party which seemed to go on forever and when everyone left (noisily) at 3.15am ish and peace reigned I attempted to go to sleep but couldn't. I remember seeing 5.30am nodded off only to wake at 7.30am - it's been a very long day and I should sleep well tonight ....... pleeeeze.
To be fair the neighbours don't usually party till all hours! I've seen their curtains drawn shut for most of the day, ha, ha!!
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