Lots of walks

For those of you who have looked at our Blips over the last couple of days; you will know that Ann's friends, Caroline & Tony, are staying with us this weekend. We have been taking Caroline and Tony on some of my favourite walks so that they can see different parts of Edinburgh.

This morning I had a little trek around the streets while Caroline & Tony were still in bed and then after breakfast we all went up Blackford Hill and through the Hermitage of Braid. Caroline refused to be photographed any more so she took a photo of me with Ann & Tony at the top of the hill for my Blip but it was c*** so we're not posting that. Lol!

This afternoon, after Ann had had a little snooze, (she's still not feeling great and yes, she did bring me some steak home from the restaurant last night), we went down to Portobello for a stroll along the prom. Tony took this photo of us. Ann's not looking her best, but hey ho, it's all we've got for today so it's going to have to do.

I'm having a well deserved snooze in my bed now, but I can smell a chicken cooking so I'm hoping I'm going to get a few little titbits later.

…...........As for Ann.................. she's just poured herself a glass of wine so she must be starting to feel better. Lol!

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