Gianni Berengo Gardin - Story Telling

Gianni has been honored this week in Rome and inducted into the Leica Hall of Fame. He is the eighth such photographer to receive this honor since the opening in 2011.  To celebrate, Leica Italy is showing his photographs in each of it's store galleries. GBG having based his professional studio and career in Milan was kind to be present for the opening in the Leica store here and to sign an endless stream of autographs.  Here in a break from book signing, he is exchanging some stories with the owner of Foto Ottica Cavour. 

My other photos of Gianni...
March 27 2014
April 13 2014

ok... the last one isn't actuall of GBG, but the same day I went to see him present his book Libro dei Libri. :)

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