
The Serissa also went to the reserve yesterday.  This tree is 6 or 7 years old, and doing very well as a broom style Old Oak tree.  Because it is so well developed, it generated a tremendous amount of discussion, nearly 2 hours worth!  Nothing can be done with this tree until the spring when it is ok to repot it.  One thing you can see from the picture is that the tree is tilting to the right now.  The Florida sun was very strong this year and tilted the new growth a bit to the left.
   In the spring, I will stand it up straighter and rotate the front a wee bit to right.  However, the most discussion that was generated was that the root on the trunk, lower right is really sticking out and has grown so large that it is very distracting.  In the spring, we will figure out the best way to remove it without taking away the source of nutrients and sugars needed to feed that life vein.  

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