Its not always wall to wall smiles !

This year's pictures were more difficult to do than last years. He wasn't so co-operative as you can see in today's shot.

I spent the morning editing the good ones of which there are about thirty something out of 200, and then N came and collected the memory stick this afternoon. Zak came along too and he was a happy little chappy. C still out of action and after getting up at 11 retired to the sofa where she has been most of the day. I have been very achy today and "things" still aren't right...I go back to the Haemophilia Centre in about 3 weeks so they will put me straight I guess. I still haven't driven and as soon as I feel I can I will - maybe sometime this week I will sit in and see.

'oribble wet day today - catch you later.

now here is an interesting thing : - I used to wear 42inch waist trousers. Today I'm in 36inch  &........yeh they are a little bit tight :-)

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