
By DancingAly

Rainy Saturday

It's been a rubbish week, but the weekend went better.

M was DJ-ing in town tonight- it always seems to be a regular routine in the winter months. It was freezing cold tonight too. 

We had a good evening, mine was marred a little by chest pain/indigestion that lasted over 36 hours... I think I need to get it checked out really. Maybe it's stress. 

We had a very chilly walk back over the bridge at nearly 1am. I haven't walked it in ages, and although I wanted to give up, once we got walking it was actually quite nice to feel to cold on your cheeks and see your breath on the air. There were no buskers there tonight, so it must have been cold. 

The only snag in the plan was a surprise replacement bus service rather than a full train journey which I didn't know about, so after a bit of a rant I resigned myself to my fate. Home by 2:30am, and in bed for 3am. 

I can't believe I have to be up at 8:30am for a dance lesson at 10am......five hours sleep ;-)

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