Move and Breathe

By MeriAnna

Radiohead, we're on our way!

What an adventurous weekend...

Anything that can go wrong, went wrong, yet turned out ok in the end. Ish..
Left Newcastle, cruising smoothly on the A1. Car breaks down, quite badly. Waiting for free recovery by the side of the motorway, weighing our options. Rescued by a Geordie (picture from inside the recovery vehicle).
In the end, scrapped the car and took the train to Manchester.
Arrived in Manchester, taxi to the Academy. To find out, it's not the Academy. It's the Arena! Another taxi to the Arena, now heart rate rising up to the maximum zone.
Finally, got together with our friend and made it to the gig, though half an hour late.
Sit back, sigh of relief, zone out, space out, enjoy the music..

Radiohead rocked it big!

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