Bucolic beyond metallic

In response to Blast's challenge word for this week, I am posting this.

I checked the dictionary and found that while bucolic is a synonym for rural (the sense in which I am here using it), it derives from meaning to do with shepherds. I doubt that there are many shepherds on the fringes of Snells Beach.

I was able to get this picture taken over the metallic dross in the bins behind Snells Beach Autos, because I called in there during my slightly delayed morning run. Why? Because yesterday I though I would use S' car (currently being driven by daughter J) rather than the Tino. Weird noise when I started the motor (not there when I drove it on Wednesday, nor when J had driven it the day before. In the hope it would go away I backed down the driveway, and convinced myself it was lessening. Turned the steering wheel and startled by the most grating noise from the wheels. Parked it and got out.

So I went to the nice friendly mechanic who will have a look and tell us the horrid or not so horrid news. We have had to come back to Auckland and will need to take J back on Wednesday night. So it goes. Cars are malevolent and bottomless pits for money one way or another.

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