Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

I think we all know that some people are “glass is half empty” types and others are “glass is half full”. I think there are also extremes beyond that range. I tend to identify with Pollyanna for much of the time, though perhaps not every minute of every day. Last week I spent rather too many hours in the company of folk at the “entire dinner service is smashed to smithereens” end of the spectrum and so needed to exorcise them with the first doo-di-doo-doop-doop! Di-doo-di-doo-doo ten notes of Jackie Wilson Said.

Today on the town beach I spotted this shrine, which I have never noticed before, perhaps it's new. But black!? That is most unusual! I didn't sneak a peek to find out to whom it is dedicated, I felt a bit self-conscious in such a public location, despite the wind whipping up a hoolie. Perhaps another day.

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