Autumn Stroll

A bit of sun in the afternoon, but there was always a cloud lingering in some corner.  It was very cold and we could sense that even inside the house.  Notwithstanding, we decided to go to the woods, or, rather, I decided I wanted to go to the woods to shoot something and hubby agreed to tag along for some fresh air.  This is the Liesbos, part of Breda, between Breda and Etten-Leur.  We thought of the Mastbosch, but I wasn't too keen on it today.  The Liesbos didn't disappoint, though.  Even hubby took some shots.  He really should bring his own cam(s) sometimes.

Wasn't feeling altogether present.  That's always the case when I'm under the weather.  Worked on some genealogy, just enough to keep the boredom away.  Thought I'd start on another book but knew I wasn't going to keep it up, so I will read it another time.  It's yet another by Elif Shafak, 'The Three Faces of Eve'.  Wordery has a little online competition going on right now -- post your Wishlist on FB and for these next few weeks, they'll be picking a lucky winner who'll get something out of his/her wishlist for free.  Of course I joined.

Another working day/week tomorrow.  At times like these, even as I drag my body to the daily grind, my head prefers to stay behind at home.  That said, hubby likes to engage in some activities while I'm out, and it's also good if I can give him that space.

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