
By negihime

something apple

some call it wax apple, some call it water apple, others... mountain apple, rose apple, royal apple, you get the idea. i guess a lot of people have already decided that it should be an apple of some sort. although it tastes NOTHING like an apple, it's texture is NOTHING like an apple. the only thing it has in common with an apple is its skin and green, sometimes a blend of greenish red (or reddish green, whichever floats your boat).

it is one of my favorite fruits here. they don't taste amazing or anything, but my mouth enjoys munching on them. my aunt has a tree in her backyard and i guess it must be wax apple season because the tree is heavy with fruits! i love looking at them. but i love looking at things that have a lot of fruits in general so i guess it's not that special.

oh, and the scientist call it Syzygium samarangense (thanks wikipedia!)

why the blip i'm here.

i've been trying this daily photo thing on and off for years (thanks to that 365 project trend). this is my third year doing this, and my goal is to take it beyond the 365 days and turn it into a life habit.

i've been interested in photography for a long time, but never had the right opportunity to developed any skills or had access to learning resources until recent years. that doesn't mean i'm a photographer or anything, but i'm definitely a photo-enthusiast. i don't have a fancy dslr (i used to but had to sold it when i was broke and jobless) so all my photos are taken with a point-and-shoot.

i'm currently living in vietnam with my relatives, trying to find work. but even outside the united states i still can't escape unemployment.

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